For Exporter/Seller

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On this page you can read about our processing steps we do to find you suitable importer, distributor or manufacturer. 
As you in global business for a while or your company just considering to go over the borders, there is a lot to consider before you decide to make that decision.
We not gonna explain all the pros and cons, for that there are a lot of dedicated web pages to that topic, we will rather focus on our progress of what we do and either we can be any help to you or not.

After your consideration of all the benefits and drawbacks you decide to contact us then please include the following information,

  • what you would like to export (describe in few words)
  • where would you like to export (if that doesn't matter then just mention that also)
  • describe your position (either you're manufacturer, supplier, or just acting on behalf of someone else)
  • include your supply capacity
  • is this your first time exporting and/or you have some knowledge or experience
  • are you on domestic market
  • which country you like to export from
  • full contact information (Name, Company Name, Address, Phone number)

After receiving brief information about your intentions, we will do quick research (please notice that this part is not guaranteed as for some goods, materials or other products is from our perspective not favorable or advantageous because it could become so much time consuming that it is not worth it i.e. strong competition, unstable regions, overpriced products, uneconomic transportation, embargo and so on...)

  • we identify which market is the appropriate, realistic and effective for your products
  • what are the distribution channels
  • how to finance an export operation and how to ensure payment for exported goods without problems
  • what obstacles await you in a given foreign market
  • we will prepare a calculation of the export price, which is the result of a broad-spectrum market research
  • we will prepare an offer and send it to potential candidates
  • we will review the business partner information and make subsequent selection and verification of the business partner's creditworthiness
  • preparation of documentation where it is necessary to find out precisely about the necessary documentation, which is an essential prerequisite for successful export of goods to a specific market, ensuring trouble-free collection or eliminating many unforeseen facts
  • we will elaborate a purchase contract, which is a basic legal relationship in the sense of which the seller takes responsibility to deliver goods to the buyer and allow him to be transferred the ownership of the goods. On the other hand, the buyer undertakes responsibility pay the agreed purchase price for the goods
  • dispatch of a consignment and collection of a receivable, issue of dispatch documents, orders for transport, customs clearance of a consignment for export, shipment and subsequent invoicing to a customer and collection of an invoice from a customer
  • evaluation of the export operation

If you ready to fill out the form then click on this text to be redirected and describe as much information as you can. We appreciate any information you can give us as there are cases where even the smallest details play a key role.

If your priority is to export goods into the European Union market, here are some frequently asked questions and answers directly declared by the European Commission.

When the tariff refers to weight, is it gross weight or net weight?
Unless stated otherwise, the tariff refers to the net weight, which is the weight of the goods themselves without packaging or containers of any kind.

Does food exported to the EU have to come from an EU-authorized establishment?
For food of animal origin – yes, in most cases.
For food of non-animal origin – not necessarily. In many cases, the exporting business must simply be known to the importer and accepted as a supplier of food into the EU.
For food containing plants or plant products covered by EU plant-health rules – no, but exporters must obtain a phytosanitary certificate issued by the national authorities in their country.

Are excise duties applied at EU or at national level?
Excise duties are applied at national level and payable upon release for consumption. If the product is imported into an EU country but transported to and supplied to another EU country, excise duties are due in the EU country where the products will eventually be consumed or used.

How is VAT charged in the EU?
VAT is paid in the country where the product is sold. Import duties are paid when the products enter the EU customs territory. So, for example if the product arrives first in the France before reaching the final destination in Slovakia, import duties will be paid in the France, but VAT will be due in Slovakia. In case you would like to sell your products in several EU countries, you will be responsible to pay import duties only once, when your product first enters the EU customs.